Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Yuriy Toyolanov's Demise

Emendation of the intellect,
Yuriy sat down to introspect.
He planned and plotted an intricate design
for a flying machine that follows The Line.

The Line emerged from Baker Street
beneath all of the bustling feet,
and it reaches up right into the sky
beyond all the clouds - even the most high.

His aim was to chase this Line to the End
or the top, where none could pretend
or lie, or act, there all was fact,
and the search for this purity left his mind wracked.

For the End was myth, and urban legend,
but no one had actually reached the end,
so in fact, it could well be real,
this turned Yuriy's resolve into solid steel.

He was determined it would seem,
to reach the end and fulfill his dream;
of which he wasn't entirely sure,
but knew was there as he always wanted more.

So he sat and though, he thought and thought,
then he passed out because his mind was so wrought!
He later woke up after ten hours of sleep
and drove straight to the lab in his cherokee jeep.

Now in his deep sleep, Yuriy had found
the missing link; it wasn't a sight or a sound,
nor was it a smell, or something to taste,
and you couldn't touch it as it had no place!

It was something else, some kind of aether,
he then met a woman with a tortoise benath her.
"I am the end" she scornfully said,
she then sat on Yuriy until he was dead.

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